- Jan 15, 2017
Geert Kapteijns authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
Markup logic should be in templates, not in model layer. Partial template is named _header_as_table to signal that it is ment to be included into other templates (analogous to the private method naming convention.) The full text of several of the thesis link's fields (domain, subject_area, etc.) are fetched from constant dicts in custom filters defined in theses.templatetags.theses_extras.
Geert Kapteijns authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
- Jan 05, 2017
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
- Jan 01, 2017
Jorran de Wit authored
Add test to check expected ValueError on processing form before validation.
- Dec 31, 2016
Jorran de Wit authored
Add more VetCommentary tests for the three different possible valid form actions.
- Dec 30, 2016
Jorran de Wit authored
Add valid test for accepted `VetCommentaryForm`. Further added factory for unvetted Commentary.
- Dec 23, 2016
Jorran de Wit authored
These are the templates that had to be within the last commit.
Jorran de Wit authored
Emails sent from the vet request commentaries are contains in templates now in the templates folder.
Jorran de Wit authored
Logic from vet_commentary_request has been moved to the VetCommentaryForm form. Further moved some code to improve DRY.
- Dec 21, 2016
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Method test_form_with_duplicate_*'s second part gave a false-positive result as the form_data contained neither a DOI nor a Arxiv ID. The tests came back positive but actually they were not.
Jorran de Wit authored
Add invalid form test for RequestCommentaryForm. Tests contain having no Arxiv ID or DOI or trying to give an already existing identifier.
- Dec 20, 2016
Geert Kapteijns authored
This does not work yet. I wrote some failing tests, but while I was doing that, I came to the conclusion that I want to make the route of the get request different from the route of the post request.
Geert Kapteijns authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
This custom factory subclasses factory.Factory, and overrides the build method, so that the model_class gets called with a dict of fields, instead of with keyword arguments. This is the way Django form classes require data to be passed to __init__.
Geert Kapteijns authored
- Dec 19, 2016
Geert Kapteijns authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Add first form tests using Factory to test RequestCommentaryForm.
Jorran de Wit authored
Move few constants to a seperate file away from models. This implies minor edits in other apps relying on these few constants.
Geert Kapteijns authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
The acknowledgement message is no longer hardcoded in theses/views.py, but resides in the top-level strings module.
https://bitbucket.org/scipostdev/scipost_v1Jorran de Wit authored
Merge branch 'development' of https://bitbucket.org/scipostdev/scipost_v1 into commentaries/wip-jorran
- Dec 18, 2016
Mathijs de Bruin authored
Mathijs de Bruin authored
Jean-Sébastien Caux authored
New Group defined: Developers. New Permission: can_view_docs_scipost (necessary to view the /docs/). Need to run the add_groups_and_permissions management command.
Mathijs de Bruin authored
Jean-Sébastien Caux authored
Jean-Sébastien Caux authored
Haystack search facility was required and is installed, with Whoosh engine. Requirements updated. Instructions for setting things up: haystack: http://django-haystack.readthedocs.io/en/v2.5.0/ (choice: Whoosh engine) sphinx: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/1.5.1/ sphinxdoc: http://django-sphinxdoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ In particular, a Project has to be defined in app sphinxdoc in order for docs to be displayed (starting at /docs/). New host_settings needed: HAYSTACK_PATH (for the location of the Whoosh index (suggestion: project's root); make sure this is not readable by site visitors)
- Dec 16, 2016
Geert Kapteijns authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
This function helps to create form data from models. See example given.