[Communications] [Editorial Page] [Submission Page] Add communication tools for/with EdAdmin
Feature Request
We have some communication tools that facilitate some communications between EiC, authors, referees and EdAdmin, but not all useful combinations of sender/recipient have been implemented. We propose to complete these tools.
Add the following communication channels:
- Author to Editorial Administrators, in the submission's page.
- Editorial Administrators to Author on the Editorial Page; permission check for EdAdmin needed.
The subject and content of the emails should follow the same pattern as the other related emails, with the appropriate sender and recipient changes. These are the emails with subject: "SciPost: communication ([Sender] to [recipient])". The next git issue will contain proposed changes to this format; please first solve the related issue.
Both these communications should be displayed for the authors to see in the submission's page, and for EdAdmin to see in the editorial page (permission check for EdAdmin).