[Communications] Communication emails lack details on how to respond
Feature Request
Communication emails (those sent out from the Communications section of the Submission Page [for authors] or the Editorial Page [for EiC and EdAdmin]) don't provide instructions on how to reply using the same tools. They also don't contain any hyperlink to relevant pages.
All these emails (Author to EiC, EiC to author, EiC to referee, EiC to EdAdmin, EdAdmin to EiC) have the title of the submission they refer to, but don't have any hyperlink to the submission page. A hyperlink should be added either by hyperlinking the title, or adding the submission page url in parenthesis after the list of authors.
The email subject "SciPost: communication (Editor-in-charge to Author)" should have the following statement:
"To reply to the Editor-in-charge, please [click here](https://scipost.org/submissions/communication/[submission_id]/AtoE). You can find all previous communications between you and the Editor-in-charge, as well as other communications tools, on the [submission page](https://scipost.org/submissions/[submission_id]/) (login needed)." Mention of other communication tools depends on implementation of #299 (closed).
The email subject "SciPost: communication (Editor-in-charge to Referee)" should have the following statement: "To reply to the Editor-in-charge, please [click here](https://scipost.org/submissions/communication/[submission_id]/RtoE). You can find all previous communications between you and the Editor-in-charge, as well as other communications tools, on the [submission page](https://scipost.org/submissions/[submission_id]/) (login needed)."
Related Issues
Issue #299 (closed) requests two new communication channels. Please implement the related emails taking into account the points above.