[Referee Management] [Submission form] Ask authors for suggested referees upon submission in dedicated field
Feature Request
Upon submission, there should be a dedicated field where authors are asked to (voluntarily) provide suggestions for referees. This information should then be displayed on the Editorial page for the EiC, as well as in the pool under 'referees'.
Proposal 1
Upon submission, ask authors to provide referees. The suggested layout can be found in the screenshots. Note the interactive element of the form: if people want to submit more than one name, they should click on the green '+' icon, to unlock an additional name field. This information should be presented in the Editorial page. The layout there should be similar to what is written in the screenshots. It informs the EiC of the name, and their contact information, as well as who suggested the referee. Upon hovering over the '?' icon, information should pop up. For referees suggested by authors, this bubble should warn the EiC that the referees suggested by the authors should be vetted for possible CI's and that the email adresses should be treated carefully. -
Proposal 2 The information for suggested referees should also be visible in the pool (see screenshot) under the 'refereeing' tab.
Additional Information
Any additional information or context related to the feature in request.
Page URL(s)
- SciPost Submission Pages (for each journal)
- Editorial pages (underneath 'Refereeing invitations', suggested)
- https://scipost.org/submissions/pool/ in the 'Refereeing' tab
Related Issues
- This issue concerns referee management which is part of a larger project, outlined by #64 (closed) & #171 (closed)